Creative Process

  • Discovery & Positioning

    Phase 1 helps us establish a single North Star and create a solid foundation to build on. Through research and discussion, audience interviews and a brand workshop, I’ll immerse myself in your world, form a strategic point of view, and articulate the ethos that makes you authentically you.

  • Brand Building

    This is where things start to take form. We’ll bring our brand positioning to life through a range of identity concepts. Each direction showcases a full brand system, including logo, typography, color, messaging, imagery, and brand motifs applied to sample touchpoints. We'll narrow in on one direction and refine into brand guidelines.

  • Brand Launch

    It all comes together in Phase 3. We’ll apply your brand to real world assets so that you can share your new identity with the world. The deliverables in this phase vary widely from project to project, but they often include web design, packaging design, art direction, and templates for social media, decks, and swag.